Q & A

Q: What server is Heroes of Ingar on?
A: We are currently on the Liberty server.

Q: Do you have coalitions with high ranking super groups?
A: Most definitely! We are teamed with several super groups in the top 100 rankings list.

Q: What is your current super group rank?
A: Right now we are between 65th and 68th depending on when rent is due.

Q: What times do most Ingar members play?
A: Our most active members play between 7pm and 12am eastern time. But you can almost always find someone on.

Q: Do you do team often?
A: You bet! We have events to promote and encourage team play.

Q: Do you use voice chat?
A: We are currently using a vent server hosted by one of our members. feel free to get on and chat whit us. [Note: You must be 18 or older to chat with us, unless you have your parents consent.]